how to get smooth clear skin, look good without makeup



Its easier to step out with a bare face when you know you don’t look too bad without make up on and you don’t have skin discolouration. Isn’t it? It is one of a woman’s most tantalizing dream. While I’m not perfect and i have spots, i can safely say the dis-colorization has minimized all thanks to this scrub.

In the past i used to feel very insecure when going out to ANYWHERE without makeup. Make up used to be my crutch. Now i don’t rely on makeup as i used to. My skin just does a very good job at looking fresh because i take care of it often. 

Minimizing skin discolouration needs team work

My one thing i try to do to get a fresh face each and every morning is to drink lots and lots of water. The water helps my face as much as external skin care lotions and scrubs. Its a team work. You cant do the one and leave out the other. They have to work together.

Well, this isn’t a bare face in its totality because i have on some lipstick, Mac Ruby Woo. The reason I posted these images is to show you guys what I use for my skin, in terms of scrubbing. I scrub at least 2 times a week, which helps clearing the dead skin cells giving me a more radiant look.

Apricot facial scrub

I started using this scrub while I was in the UK, Bought it from BODY. I  was looking for something different cause my skin had gotten a bit dull.

My skin has dramatically improved also with the help of Rooiboss tea for detoxing  and eliminating toxins in the blood plus drinking lots of water.

This scrub is apricot based. I have never used an apricot base scrub before but it does the job.

Now I can afford to go out with out makeup knowing that I still look fresh faced and rosy regardless:-)


SKIN DISCOLOURATION Scrub: Cyclax Apricot Facial Scrub from BODY and can be found @Amazon


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