
Merry Christmas in a Long Pink dress and an Afro.

Its been a long and difficult year for a lot of us. A year where I wore my Afro more times than I had anticipated and a year where I welcomed the long pink dress/ pleated pink maxi dress in my wardrobe as part of comfort wear. The Long pink dress became a comfortable piece of clothing. It is loose, a bit tight on the girls because . eish, a little bit of weight gain. But that is ok. My body changed this year and I welcomed the change. Today I say Merry Christmas to you all and a Happier new year than 2020 and, may we try to not be too hard on ourselves, going forward.

A short Story about The Afro during Corona

When hard lockdown was first implemented, I remember rushing to the Salon to do my hair. And by ‘do my hair’, I meant… a weave. I naively thought that the hard lockdown would last for just 5 weeks. But to my disappointment, hard lockdown caused by Corona has lasted until Christmas.

Stay Home, Stay Safe

Once the first weave had been taken out, I stayed, for almost 2 months, with my afro. That time of my life was probably the hardest pill to swallow because I had no choice but to leave my Afro alone because salons were closed and I was scared of the Rona.

Once salons opened and I was able to do my hair again, I had fallen in love with my hair. I had accepted it and I valued it a lot more. My hair was healthy, strong and most of all,my hair was mine. There are many things that have happened this year but one good thing that came out of it was, i finally fell in love with my hair and started taking better care of it. Now i wear my hair in any style but i choose to protect it from harmful braiding.

The Long Pink Dress

This long pink dress is from NEXT and although this dress is currently out of stock, you can purchase a similar dress HERE, HERE and from Woolies HERE. I have not blogged much this year, although I thought I would. I had made all these plans that I would be so productive during lockdown. But the depression creeped in and being alone almost all the time threw me deeper and deeper into the hallows of deep depression.

Depression and the Pleated Pink Maxi dress

I could not do anything. I was not inspired, I was not motivated. All i did was eat, exercise here and there and long for when I could see my friends again. I longed for a time where I would be happy and be genuinely excited to wear this Pleated Pink Maxi Dress and not just sit in the house wearing pyjamas, slacks and track pants.

Today, as I share these images with you, I share them with sunshine in my heart. That although some of us were consumed by mental illness, most of us overcame it. It’s sad for those who succumbed to it. It breaks my heart. Depression can take anyone at anytime and, i could have been one of them.

Summer and Christmas

It’s summer now in South Africa and although we all have a long way to go to beat this virus, let’s play our part by staying safe, avoid large gatherings and be there for our friends and family still fighting mental illness caused by all we have been through this year, and beyond.

My Birthday is on the First of Jan

Sending you love and light, Merry Christmas once again and a more prosperous new Year. Make the resolutions as you go. Do not wait for the 1st of January to change your life. P.S it is my Birthday on the 1st of Jan and I give thanks for the opportunity given to me by God to celebrate another year.



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